Tuesday, March 15, 2011

More photos.....From the real JOB

Coach D, we found some new players for Wat

Each day, the students continue to amaze me...from getting up early to walking across the city to spend 3 hours working on Spanish vocabulary and verbs to an hour of swimming lessons with the children from Casa Hogar in a cold pool to playtime, changing diapers, reading books and playing basketball at Casa Hogar to a final bumpy bus ride back across the city at 7:30pm all along the way laughing and engaging with everyone they see. 
  Each has been a gift...
Dave teaching others how to change a diaper
Nick greeting everyone in Spanish-a language he is just learning
Kate craddling the cutest little boy each day
Will C documenting everything with his camera but still sharing himself with others
Matt kicking my butt in Spanish class and continuing to be the center of the girls attention at Casa Hogar
Anna finding the right words to comfort the children when they need water, a diaper change,  a fall or bump attended to
Phil giving the athletic children a run for thier money and staying in the pool despite the cold
John stepping up to learn how to change diapers...even when a child is completely asleep
Will R keeping us all going with his sense of humor and being the best swim instructor
Shayna stepping up to manage the older kids during swimming lessons aand being the youngest person (and only Wat kid) in her Spanish class

....and the trip has only begun!!

Which is more fun...rowing on the CT River or this?

Playing in the yard at Casa Hogar

Really, swimming lessons are much more organized than they look here!!
Lunch in the Zocolo


  1. I just love the pictures of the Wat kids with the Casa Hogar children. My colleagues are probably getting tired of hearing about all of your experiences and the good work you are doing, but I can't contain my enthusiasm for what is happening on your trip. I was also interested to hear from Shayna that the crickets were salty. Should I set up some cricket traps in our garage in South Windsor so we can serve up a few at home?

  2. I am just back from my travels and savoring every page of this blog. You are taking me back. JOB I am so glad for your sketches of each traveler and the way they are bringing themselves to this experience. I am imagining how cold the water is for our kids and the little ones - but completely thrilling for them to be losing their fear of water and learning to swim - in your hands.
