Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Oaxaca is awesome

So first off, this is RobWerner masquerading as Jen O´Brien. Secondly, I just want to let everyone back home that we are having such a wonderful time here in Oaxaca. I'm so incredibly proud of all of our students here. Seeing them work with the children from Casa Hogar, taking them on field trips, and watching as they take on the roles of chaperones blows me away.

And I will even say, as hard as it is for a grown man to admit, I was nearly brought to tears watching the glowing smile on Anacelida's face as Kate Needle began communicating with her in sign language. Crossing the Spanish-English language communication barrier is tough enough for many of us down here, but to watch Kate (who went into this trip not knowing a lick of Spanish) all of a sudden make such a huge impact in this girl's life using her ASL skills was simply amazing. Who would have thought that a hearing impaired girl in Mexico would be able to connect with one of our Watkinson kids in such a powerful manner? I know I'll never forget that, and I guarantee that Watkinson nor Anacelida will either.


  1. Late reading this as it is now St. Patrick's Day but wanted to say that the video touched my heart also. We too often take our sense of hearing for granted don't you think?! Well, all of our senses for that matter! But when you think about it tender hearts can sense an awful lot, too! My best to all of you!

  2. WOW! Go Kate! That is really amazing and beautiful. I am so proud of you guys too. Its very brave to travel to a country you are not familiar with especially with a langauge boarder! (It's okay Mr. Werner, you should have cried.)

    *Come home safely*
